Haitian, co-host of the Die Casting Congress next March 6, 7 and 8 in Guadalajara

Haitian is recognized in the industrial world for being the largest manufacturer of plastic injection molding machinery. In 2023 alone, close to 700 injection molding machines were placed in Mexico, some of which were assembled at the Haitian manufacturing plant in Jalisco.

Despite its strong identification with the plastics industry, the Haitian Group has leveraged its infrastructure and strategic capabilities to consolidate recently as a conglomerate with participation in various industries. Among them are machining centers (CNC) and machines for high-pressure metal casting, a process better known as Die Casting. Both lines of machinery are currently marketed in Mexico with excellent acceptance.

Die Casting: a booming industrial process

The Die Casting process has multiple applications in automotive, white goods, lighting equipment and tooling, to name a few, and its possibilities in terms of precision and productivity are causing other processes in the foundry industry to migrate to high pressure.


Electric vehicles are an important source of growth for this industry, since they contain a much larger number of aluminum-injected components than their internal combustion versions. As a result, electric cars are lighter, and therefore gain in range.

The installed capacity of the companies supplying Die Casting parts is not sufficient to cover all the current demand, let alone the projected demand for the next 10 years. Therefore, the expansion of the operations of existing suppliers is expected, but also the entry of new participants.

This is why Haitian, teaming up with the Foundry Cluster and other key industry participants, is organizing the Die Casting Congress. It is important to make known the possibilities and the projection that this sector has in the immediate future.

Growth of Haitian Die Casting

Haitian Die Casting started operations in China in 2016. In just 8 years it has positioned itself as the second largest manufacturer of this type of machinery worldwide, and is one of the few that provide megacasting equipment, whose applications require the use of clamping forces in excess of 8,000 tons. Global benchmarks in the electric vehicle industry, such as BYD, use aluminum structural parts injected with Haitian machines of between 2,500 and 8,800 tons.


Haitian introduced the first Die Casting machine in Mexico in 2019, and since then has installed more than 60 such machines throughout the country, in the 180 to 1650 ton clamping force range. The marketing bases are the same ones that have made plastic injection molding machines successful: machinery for immediate delivery, spare parts stocks and a strong emphasis on after-sales service.

Despite having increased its machinery portfolio, Haitian guarantees the best user experience since each of its divisions has independent sales and technical support staff, each one specialized in its own product, whether it is plastic injection molding machines, machining centers, or Die Casting machines.

¿Interested in learning more about Die Casting?

Write to us at ventas@haitianmexico-dc.com and request a visit from a representative of Haitian Die Casting.


Or better yet, register for the Die Casting Congress on March 6, 7 and 8, and join us for a three-day immersion with industry specialists, including potential customers and various equipment suppliers. 

The second day of the Congress will be dedicated to the technology required in the Die Casting process, including the high pressure die casting machine. This session will be held at the Haitian Plant in Acatlán de Juárez, Jalisco, where you will learn about the assembly process of our plastic injection molding machines. We will also have a showroom with a pair of Die Casting production cells, which includes the injection molding machine, automation and other related equipment.

Make your registration at: https://clusterfundicion.mx/inicio/congreso-die-casting-2024/

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